‘If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change’ – Wayne Dyer

This is about perspective, right?

My clients often tell me one of the most valuable things they gain from our engagement is perspective: seeing the wood from the trees, a detached, more objective look from the outside in, shining a light on things they might not see because they’re so ‘in the thick of it’,

How different would your business look, if you took time to review it from a different viewpoint?

Would you see you need to focus on leveraging your time by systemising, training and delegating or analysing ways to improve profits rather than on everyday ‘fire-fighting’?

Would you discover you need to spend more time developing new marketing strategies, testing & measuring results around the key metrics in your business or forging strategic relationships with other businesses?

What would change in your business if you took more of a ‘helicopter view’ more often?

Here are some resources I recommend if you want to take a different perspective:

5 ways to start changing your business perspective today – Blog: perspective can result in business progress

To get the all important distinction between working on your business and working in your business, you must read – The e-Myth by Michael Gerber – e-Myth video summary