“Systems run your business. Your team run your systems. You lead your team.” – Brad Sugars

If you’re reading this today, I’m prepared to hazard a guess that the idea of taking your team to the next level is appealing to you – am I right?  

Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just getting started, having a high-performance team is essential for scaling your business effectively. 

So, let’s get straight into it and  dive into some best practices for recruiting, training, and retaining top talent. 

Recruiting the Right People

First things first: you need the right people on board. Here’s how to find them:

1. Define Your Ideal Candidate

  • Skills and Experience: Make a list of the skills and experience your ideal candidate should have. Think beyond the technical skills—consider soft skills like communication and problem-solving.
  • Cultural Fit: Your business has a unique culture, and it’s crucial to find people who fit into that culture. This doesn’t mean hiring clones but looking for those who share your values and vision. Remember, you can teach skills and provide knowledge, but shaping character and shifting attitude is much harder so filter out candidates that don’t tick that box.

2. Leverage Your Network

  • Don’t just rely on job boards. Tap into your network. Ask for referrals from employees, friends, and business contacts. Often, the best candidates are found through word of mouth.

3. Use Social Media

  • Platforms like LinkedIn (and also from client experience, Facebook Ads!) are gold mines for finding top talent. Join industry groups, participate in discussions, and post about job openings. Showcasing your company culture online can attract the right candidates.

Training for Excellence

Hiring great people is just the start. To truly build a high-performance team, you need to invest in their development.

1. Onboarding Process

  • Make it Comprehensive: A well-structured onboarding process can set the tone for a new hire’s experience. Include company history, mission, vision, and how their role contributes to the big picture.
  • Buddy System: Pair new hires with a mentor or buddy. This can help them acclimate faster and feel supported from day one.

2. Continuous Learning

  • Ongoing Professional Development: Offer opportunities for professional development. This could be in-house training, online courses, or attending industry conferences.
  • Skill Enhancement: Encourage your team to learn new skills. This not only benefits your business but also keeps employees engaged and motivated.

3. Feedback and Performance Reviews

  • Regular Check-ins: Don’t wait for annual reviews. Regular check-ins can help address issues early and provide continuous feedback. Weekly follow-up and follow through to measure performance against plan, KPI’s and development actions is a critical management discipline.
  • Constructive Feedback: Be honest but kind. Focus on areas for improvement while also recognising achievements. This balanced approach can drive performance and boost morale.

Retaining Top Talent

Now that you’ve got a rockstar team, how do you keep them? Here are some tips to ensure your top performers stay happy and engaged.

1. Create a Positive Work Environment

  • Culture of Trust & Respect: Foster an environment where everyone feels respected, valued and trust one another to have each others’ back. Encourage open, honest communication and collaboration.
  • Work-Life Balance: Support a healthy work-life balance. Flexible working hours or remote work options can make a big difference.

2. Recognition and Rewards

  • Celebrate Achievements: Regularly recognise and celebrate your team’s achievements. This could be through shout-outs in meetings, employee of the month awards, or simple thank you notes.
  • Incentive Programs: Implement incentive programs. This doesn’t always have to be monetary; extra vacation days or professional development opportunities can be great motivators.

3. Career Growth Opportunities

  • Path to Advancement: Show your team that there’s room for growth within the company. Offer clear paths for career advancement and provide the necessary support to help them get there.
  • Internal Promotions: Whenever possible, promote from within. This not only boosts morale but also shows that you value your employees’ hard work and loyalty.

4. Employee Engagement

  • Feedback Loop: Create channels for employees to give feedback. This could be through regular surveys, suggestion boxes, 360 feedback exercises.
  • Team Building Activities: Organise team-building activities. This could be anything from a fun outing to a team lunch. It helps build camaraderie and strengthens team bonds.

Final Thoughts

Building a high-performance team isn’t a one-time task; it’s an ongoing process. It requires dedication, patience, and a genuine commitment to your team’s success. 

By focusing on recruiting the right people, investing in their development, and creating an environment where they can thrive, you’ll set your business up for long-term success.

Remember, your team is your greatest asset

Treat them well, invest in their growth, and watch your business soar.

While I have you…

1. A great case study showing how you can generate transformational results applying these best practices to build a highly engaged team.

2. Read ‘The Ideal Team Player’ by Patrick Lencione\

3. Have a look at ‘Who: The ‘A’ Method for Hiring’ by Geoff Smart

4. See how Brad Sugars can put your business on the fast track with ‘Instant Systems’