As a business coach, I’ve witnessed countless business owners ‘hit the wall’, overwhelmed by the demands of their role. 

From my experience, the real breakthrough happens when you shift your perspective from being the operator of your business to thinking like an owner or shareholder. This change in mindset is transformative, enabling you to build a business that thrives independently of your constant involvement.

Renowned entrepreneur and ActionCoach owner succinctly captures this transformation:

“Systems run your business. Your team runs your systems. You lead the team.” 

This statement isn’t just a catchy phrase though; it’s a strategic approach to sustainable growth and efficiency.

The problem that almost any business owner has faced at some point, is the overwhelming responsibility of managing every aspect of your business, which in turn can lead to burnout and hinder growth. 

So here’s my simple plan to address this and to get you onto the right track! 

The Plan: Systemise, Train, Delegate, Manage

1. Find the best person you can  for each role

  • The first step in your transformation is identifying the best person for each function in your business. This means recruiting individuals who are not only skilled but also align with your company’s values and culture. Finding the right people and putting them in the right seats sets the foundation for effective systems

2. Systemise

  • Once you have the right team members, help them systemise the functions and processes they are responsible for. Document every process, create detailed checklists, and develop standard operating procedures (SOPs). This ensures consistency and efficiency, making your business less dependent on any single person’s knowledge or skills.

3. Train

  • With systems in place, training becomes much more straightforward and effective. Invest in thorough training programs to ensure your team understands not only how to perform their tasks but also why these tasks are crucial to the business’s success. Proper training empowers your team to perform confidently and competently.

4. Delegate

  • Delegation is a critical skill for any business owner. Trust and empower your team to execute their roles without micromanaging. Delegating tasks frees up your time, allowing you to focus on strategic decisions and growth opportunities. Remember, your team runs your systems; your job is to lead and inspire them.

5. Manage

  • Finally, your role is to manage and lead. Monitor the systems and the team’s performance, providing feedback and encouragement. Make adjustments as needed to keep everything running smoothly. Your leadership keeps the team motivated and the systems functioning effectively.

Without these systems in place, you risk remaining trapped in the day-to-day operations, unable to grow or enjoy the freedom you sought when starting your business. 

The cost of not implementing systems is high— burnout, boredom, stagnation, team not stepping up and missed opportunities for growth.

By embracing the mindset of an owner and implementing robust systems, you can transform your business into one that operates smoothly, even in your absence. 

Imagine a business where your team confidently handles the day-to-day operations, allowing you to focus on strategic growth and personal development.

The journey from operator to owner is challenging but also immensely rewarding. 

By finding the best people, systemising processes, training your team, delegating tasks, and managing effectively, you can achieve the breakthrough you’ve been striving for. 

Remember, “Systems run your business. Your team runs your systems. You lead the team.”