On many an occasion across my career, both before and during my journey as a business coach, I’ve seen business owners struggle to achieve consistent profitability. 

The breakthrough often comes when they grasp the fundamentals of management, transforming how their teams perform and, consequently, how their business operates. 

Understanding these basics is essential in terms of elevating your business above the norm – and also in moving away from the mindset of just surviving the day-to-day. 

Management is not just about overseeing operations; it’s about driving your team towards consistent and excellent performance. Here’s the essence: the profitability of your business depends on how well your employees consistently perform critical activities.

The main challenge that you’re likely to face is ensuring that your team’s performance aligns with your own business goals. 

Without a clear understanding of how their actions impact the bottom line, employees can become disengaged, and performance may suffer.

Clarify the Connection Between their Performance and Profit

The first step is to ensure that your employees understand how their performance affects the bottom line. This involves communicating clearly about the impact of their work on the overall profitability of the business. When employees see the direct connection between their efforts and the company’s success, they become more motivated and focused.

Measure Performance

Employees perform best when they know how their performance is measured. Develop clear, objective metrics for evaluating their performance in critical areas. This not only provides employees with a clear understanding of expectations but also offers them a tangible way to track their progress and strive for improvement.

Reward Excellence

The principle, “What gets measured gets done, and what gets rewarded gets done again,” is a cornerstone of effective management. 

Recognise and reward employees who meet or exceed performance standards. 

This reinforcement not only boosts morale but also encourages continued excellence and sets a standard for others to follow.

Without these fundamentals in place, your business risks stagnation. Employees may become disengaged, critical activities may be neglected, and profitability may decline. 

The cost of ignoring these management principles is high—reduced efficiency, lower morale, and missed opportunities for growth, to name but a few issues that could otherwise arise. 

The good news is that success is almost certainly within your reach! 

By mastering these management fundamentals, you can transform your business into a well-oiled machine where employees are motivated, critical activities are performed consistently, and profitability is maximised. 

By clarifying the connection between performance and profit, measuring performance effectively, and rewarding excellence, you can drive your team towards success and significantly impact your bottom line. 

Marginal Gains and the Compounding Effect

Small changes in critical areas, consistently executed, can have a great impact on the bottom line. Think about the multiplier and compounding effect of all team members continuously working on making improvements in their performance due to the visibility, recognition, accountability and rewards that now exist. 

Book a free 45 minute session with me today and I can show you how to apply these strategies and methods to get your business to the next level.

I’ll reiterate this one more time: 

 “What gets measured gets done, and what gets rewarded gets done again.”

So embrace these principles, and watch your business accelerate!


While I have you:

  1. Hear from Laura Kenyon, Founder and MD of LK & Associates, on how her coaching has transformed the way she works and runs her business.
  2. Read: Measure What Matters by John Doerr. 
  3. Watch: The New One Minute Manager Book Summary.