If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail’ – Benjamin Franklin

As we step into the final quarter of the year, there’s a palpable shift in the air.

The leaves are turning, the nights are drawing in and there’s that subtle reminder that we’re racing toward the finish line of 2024.

It’s a time when many businesses start reflecting on the year’s progress, and for those who’ve set ambitious goals, it’s also the moment to dig deep and push hard.

Sitting with my team recently, we talked about how this last stretch of the year often feels like the final lap in a long race.

The finish line is in sight, and while the temptation to coast might be strong, this is the time to give it everything you’ve got – the way you end the year can also set the tone for how you start the next!

At our quarterly GrowthClub Planning Days, we’ve always emphasised the power of quarterly goals.

It’s one thing to set goals at the start of the year, but breaking them down into 4 manageable, 90-day chunks (each one made up of 12-13 weeks) is where the real magic happens and this final quarter is no exception..!

One of my clients recently shared how he’s using this quarter to not just meet but exceed his goals. He’s visualising December 31st, not as a day of last-minute scrambles, but as a moment of triumph—knowing he gave it his all.

He’s writing down his goals, just like he did at the start of the year, but now with even more urgency. He’s setting his RAS (Reticular Activating System) to filter out distractions and hone in on the outcome that he’s looking for.

Your RAS isn’t just for starting strong; it’s for finishing strong too.

It’s that mental filter that helps you focus on what’s important – by keeping your goals front and centre, your brain is wired to spot opportunities and solutions that align with those goals, even as all the Christmas chaos approaches

But let’s be clear: this isn’t just about working harder.

It’s about working smarter.

It’s about revisiting your plan, adjusting where necessary, and making sure every action you take is moving you closer to your desired outcome – whether that be a revenue target, a project deadline, or a personal milestone, now’s the time to double down and make it happen.

Another client of mine has been systematically reviewing her progress, identifying areas where she can make quick wins, and delegating tasks that don’t require her direct input.

She’s not just surviving this final quarter; she’s thriving, and she’s on track to finish the year with record-breaking turnover and profit.

There’s something incredibly satisfying about crossing that finish line with a sense of accomplishment and knowing you’ve done everything in your power to achieve your goals makes that couple of weeks off in December even sweeter!

So, as we enter this final quarter, I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on your goals. What do you want to achieve before the year is out?

What steps can you take today, this week, and this month to make sure you end 2024 on a high note?

Write them down, make a plan, and stay focused.

And if you need some time away from the business to focus on that, our final GrowthClub of 2024 takes place in Roehampton later this month on 27th September.

Finish 2024 with a bang, not a whimper! Take action now!

While I have you…

1. For more details on our next 90-day Growthclub Planning workshop, click here

2. Need help with your goal setting and planning? Book a free 45-minute session with me today.

3. Discover how well you’re doing in the 6 key areas of business success with our 6 Steps Scorecard [Takes only 5 minutes]