I wrote last week in relation to the importance of making this last quarter of 2024 count – putting focus on goal setting and making sure that you finish 2024 with a bang!

Thanks to everyone for their great feedback on this post, it seemed to resonate with a lot of you..!

This week, I want to follow-up on that theme by focusing on something that will determine whether you hit your goals, smash through expectations, or fall short in this regard — the right mindset.

I’ve had countless conversations with business owners and professionals about the power of mindset, and it never ceases to amaze me how often people underestimate its importance.

Sure, you need a solid plan, a clear strategy, and actionable goals—but without the right mindset to back it up, all those things are just words on a page.

It’s your mindset that turns intention into action, and action into results.

Take a moment to think about the most successful people you know.

What sets them apart?

It’s not just talent or luck—it’s how they think, how they respond to challenges, and how they keep moving forward even when things get tough.

They see opportunities where others see roadblocks, and they focus on solutions rather than problems.

The good news? This mindset isn’t something you’re either born with or not.

It’s a muscle.

It’s something you can cultivate, develop, and strengthen, just like any other habit.

The more you work at it, the stronger you get. Ignore it and it‘ll take you out when you need it the most. Under pressure, it is either a strength or a weakness.

Make your mindset your advantage.

And as we head into the closing months of the year, now’s the perfect time to make sure your mindset is working for you — not against you.

I was speaking with a client recently who’s had a phenomenal year. His business has grown, his team has expanded, and he’s on track to hit all his targets.

But here’s the thing—he didn’t start the year with everything perfectly in place.

In fact, he was dealing with more challenges than ever.

What changed for him was his mindset. He made a conscious decision to focus on what he could control, rather than what he couldn’t.

That shift in thinking allowed him to take decisive action and seize opportunities that others might have missed.

Mindset is the difference between seeing failure as the end of the road or as a learning opportunity.

It’s the difference between being paralysed by fear or using that fear to fuel your drive to succeed.

When you approach each day with a positive, growth-oriented mindset, you stop being reactive and start becoming proactive.

One of the most powerful tools for shifting your mindset is visualisation.

I encourage my clients to take time each day to visualise their goals—really see themselves achieving what they’ve set out to do.

When you do this consistently, you’re training your brain to focus on the outcome you want, rather than the obstacles in your way.

It’s like setting your own personal GPS toward success.

Another brilliant tool?


It might sound simple, but starting or ending your day by acknowledging what’s going well can dramatically shift your perspective.

It keeps you grounded, helps you see the progress you’re making, and puts you in a position of strength to tackle whatever challenges come your way.

Keeping a journal by the side of your bed is a great way to get into this powerful habit and something that I’ve done every day for many years now.

Of course, mindset alone isn’t enough — you still need to pair it with action.

But the right mindset will keep you moving forward, even when the path isn’t easy.

Another client of mine set an ambitious goal at the start of the year: to double his revenue.

By mid-year, he’d hit a significant roadblock, and things weren’t looking great.

But instead of throwing in the towel, he shifted his focus.

He redefined what success looked like in the short term and started breaking his goal down into smaller, manageable steps.

That mindset shift gave him the clarity and confidence he needed to get back on track, and now, he’s not just going to meet his target—he’s going to exceed it.

So, as we enter this crucial final quarter, I want to challenge you to take a hard look at your mindset.

How are you approaching your goals? Are you focusing on what’s possible, or are you getting bogged down by what’s holding you back?

Are you looking for solutions, or are you stuck on the problems?

The way you think, and the mindset you bring to each day, will have a huge impact on whether you finish the year feeling proud of what you’ve achieved or wishing you’d done more.

Remember, success starts with belief.

Belief in your ability to adapt, to overcome, and to grow.

That’s the mindset that will carry you through this final stretch and beyond.

And if you need help shifting your mindset or putting the right plan in place, you know where to find me! Book a free 45-minute session with me today.

Discover how well you’re doing in the 6 key areas of business success with our 6 Steps Scorecard [Takes only 5 minutes]

A gentle reminder on our next 90-day Growthclub planning day here – don’t miss out on this invaluable day for learning and growing.