The word ‘culture’ has many different interpretations – from a business perspective it essentially follows the dictionary definition of: ‘the ideas, customs and social behaviour of a particular people or society’.  

Workplace culture can in itself take many forms – it’s easy to think of Silicon Valley-style businesses, all Baristas on bikes, fireman’s poles, table tennis and free granola. 

You’ll also hear the word used negatively in business terms – phrases like ‘toxic’ culture have been used by ex-colleagues of Brewdog and Amazon (and even the Government) in recent times. 

In any case, establishing the right culture and supporting behaviours in your business is imperative in ensuring high productivity and low churn of staff. 

However, you may be unsure as to where to start or how to effectively create such an environment.

I’ve met many business owners over the years where despite their very best intentions, a consistent workplace culture was lacking. 

This scenario can often manifest itself into low morale, high rates of staff churn,  a lack of collaboration and innovation or being unable to attract the best people.

Without a positive work culture, achieving long-term success, recruiting and retaining top talent is challenging.

So in this article, I’d like to fully cover the  process of building and nurturing a positive workplace culture, and how you can implement this within your business. 

This involves creating an environment where employees feel valued, respected, and motivated to contribute their best. A strong workplace culture not only boosts morale but also drives business performance.

So here’s my 7-step plan to help you in achieving a culture that will be the envy of your competition! 

  1. Define Your Values (and the Behaviours that evidence those values): Clearly articulate the core values that define your organisation. What you stand for and what you won’t stand for. Ensure these values align with your mission and vision, and communicate them consistently and repeatedly to your team to get their buy-in.
  2. Lead by Example: As a leader, embody the values and behaviours you wish to see in your workplace. Your actions set the tone for the entire organisation.
  3. Foster Open Communication: Create channels for open and honest communication. Encourage feedback, listen actively, and address concerns promptly. Transparency builds trust.
  4. Recognise and Reward: Regularly acknowledge and reward the right behaviours and redirect or challenge the wrong behaviours. Recognition boosts morale and reinforces positive behaviours. 
  5. Empower your Teams: Get the leaders and emerging leaders in your business to champion the values and behaviours so they feel empowered to  hold one another and their teams  accountable to the standards set.
  6. Build Team Spirit: Organise team-building activities and social events to strengthen relationships and foster a sense of community. Together Everyone Achieves More.
  7. Make your Core Values your Decision-making filter: Run every decision you make – hiring, firing, investing, selecting/deselecting customers/partners you work with – through the rule of how well they fit with your values.

You can start the process today by defining or revisiting your company values. 

Engage your team in the process to ensure these values resonate with everyone. 

Implement small changes gradually – don’t run before you can walk! 

Neglecting your workplace culture can lead to disengaged employees, high staff turnover, and a toxic environment that stifles innovation and productivity –  your business may struggle to attract and retain top talent to boot. 

By cultivating a positive workplace culture, you create an environment where employees are motivated, engaged, and committed to the success of your business. 

Building a positive culture in your business is not a one-time effort but an ongoing commitment. 

By following this structured approach, you can transform your workplace into a thriving, dynamic environment where everyone feels valued and empowered, takes ownership and responsibility.

An easy business to manage!

Ready to make the shift? Schedule a free 45-minute coaching session with me today, and I can help you take those first steps! 

While I have you… Some resources for you to tap into for inspiration below:

  1. I love the freshness and directness of this company’s statement of values & behaviours.
  2. A great study on building a culture of success –  Legacy – What the All Blacks Can Teach us about the Business of Life.
  3. A great talk on distilling a simple set of team values.