Adam Nettleship - MD, Bigmore Associates - Sanjiv Dodhia - ActionCOACH

Adam Nettleship – MD, Bigmore Associates

Accelerated business growth with clear direction and accountability…


Bigmore Associates, have doubled their business and gone from making a loss to exceeding their profit targets in 6 months, while adding 3 new business streams to their portfolio.

Sanjiv has worked with Adam Nettleship, owner MD at Bigmore Associates for the past year. 

When they met, Adam’s business had been making a loss and, together with the uncertainty of Covid, things really needed to change. They worked to formulate a clear strategy, direction and structure to take the business forward – introducing performance and results-driven tools to track and measure all the key metrics in the business from marketing to sales through operational and financial to provide crucial, real-time business insights.

Most importantly, Sanjiv has given Adam the confidence to be and hold his senior team accountable to deliver on their targets – within 6 months of coaching Adam has seen a 100% increase in business, a return to profit, as well significant changes in the culture, structure, management processes and sales, marketing and finance functions within the business.

Adam’s dedication to working ON his business and not just the jobs IN his business has also helped him drive his personal goals – in just one week he not only completed the acquisition of another business, but he and his wife also took delivery of the Tesla and the horse they always wanted!

Coach’s Perspective

‘Adam has shown incredible dedication to focus on his business rather than the tasks in his business – quickly realising aspirational goals both personally and for the business’