Dale Annells – Director, Miss Polly Catering & Event Services

‘Was I working in my business so much that in reality had I just bought myself a job?’

‘In the next 7 months we will see turnover of in excess of 10 times what we achieved in the previous 6 months!’

‘I am a generally a very sceptical person and it was with some trepidation that I signed myself up to work with Sanjiv.

What made me really consider working with you was when you asked me a couple of very interesting question. Was I working in my business so much that in reality had I just bought myself a job? Was I prepared to make my business work for me and give me the freedom I’d always hoped it would?

Over the past 6 months we have worked together to pin point a focused set of goals and align my business aspirations with my personal goals. We have set up the foundations that will allow us to build a strong growth focused company. During our sessions we have had open and frank discussions about the business, and discussed the strategies needed to achieve theses goals. More importantly, you have kept me accountable to those discussions and given me some invaluable advice and guidance along the way.

But all this is nothing without real results; In real terms as a business in the next 7 months we will see turnover in excess of 10 times what we had achieved in the previous 6 months. This type of crazy accelerated growth would have sent me into a meltdown previously as there was just not enough hours left to work to get the job done. Now with the strategies and systems in place, this does not scare us because we know we have worked hard to lay the foundations to support it. Bring on the next 7 months and the continued growth.

Thanks again, it has been at times hard to allocate the time and drive to achieve the goals, but we are exceeding even our own expectations and finally I can see that the business will give me the freedom to achieve the goals I had always hoped it would.’

The Coach’s Perspective

‘Working with Dale has been really rewarding. He’s brought about a transformation in his fortunes by making the difficult transition from working almost exclusively IN his business to now working for the large part ON his business. He’s got the growth mindset, commitment & determination to learn and take massive action. This has led to him quickly realising some short term goals and allowed him to now have the confidence to drive to his long term business & personal goals & dream bigger. An ideal client – I’m looking forward to seeing where this journey will take us.’