I was reminded of this truth by a World Class Performance Coach who has worked with elite Olympic-level athletes. For example, if we want to lose weight & get fit with the aim of feeling & looking good, most of us will know it’s a combination of a good diet, regular exercise, not smoking, regulating drinking, drinking lots of water, enough sleep, etc.

So what’s stopping or holding us back?

In my experience, working with owners of SME #business, the biggest barriers to growth are quite often a matter of:

• FOCUS – being crystal clear on their goals & why they’re important; then prioritising their time, energy & resources on those goals; and

• DISCIPLINE – developing the right habits; having the willpower & resilience to keep going in the face of setbacks. Which is why when when I ask my clients, who are getting breakthrough results, the greatest value they get from #coaching, the answer is often: clarity, perspective, #accountability & keeping them focused on the priorities to get to their goals.

What’s stopping you or getting in your way of achieving your goals in business or in life? Not knowing what to do or not doing what you already know?