Mike H, Photo Studios


From being buried in existing business to expanding to new territory, growing from start-up to $35m within 5 years.

When Mike first met Sanjiv he was knee-deep doing day-to-day and admin tasks, running four photographic studios in the UK.

With a new studio in Florida, the work was flooding in and it was getting overwhelming. Mike was struggling to keep his head above water, unable to focus on the things that really mattered.

Mike and Sanjiv kicked off with an Alignment & Planning session, in which they looked closely at Mike’s goals.

“By taking an overview of where I wanted to be and what I wanted to achieve, I realised it was quite achievable if only I reorganised myself and prioritised strategising and oversight.”

Not only did his goals seem more achievable, but Mike found that the accountability of having to report progress on the actions and goals he and Sanjiv set was key to driving his progress.

He completely reorganised his team and merged two UK businesses into one, realising greater economies of scale and reducing the cost structure. He then extracted himself from the UK operations, only maintaining strategic involvement as the primary shareholder.

“I probably now invest an hour a day into my UK business maximum, and that’s a £6m turnover, 90-staff strong business.”

This allowed him to focus on the US side of the business, the bigger growth area, and expand it from start-up to $35m turnover in just 5 years.

Additionally, Mike has ticked off a number of big personal goals along the way – the process has been transformative for him and his business.

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